Eliminate the Middle Man!
As the flood waters subside the needs in our stricken communities rise even higher. Many residents are still unable to get up and down the canyons to buy supplies and food. Those that can, must in many cases take a very long detour spending enormous amounts of money on fuel. Some families so desperately want to help; however, they too have been hit hard financially.
Columbia Sanitary is providing an easy and inexpensive way to contribute to this growing need. Beginning NOW, for as long as necessary, Columbia’s septic technicians will be helping; and you can help too.
Call us and we’ll tell you how…
Columbia Sanitary and Potties for the Rockies at 303-526-5370. You may also find information on www.cosanitary.com or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ColumbiaPottiesForTheRockies.
Thank you for doing your part!