What do we do with the tank contents we pick up from your house? We get that question a lot.
The answer is Gator Gro Septage land application.

Gator Gro is an environmentally friendly land application of Domestic Septage business working to improve Colorado’s soils. As a recycler of waste, our patrons feel good about using our services.
Septage is the waste that was treated in your Septic tank and what we removed when we pump out your tank. The Septage can be managed in different ways.
- Dewatered
- Discharged at a Licensed discharge site ( Local Waste Treatment Plant)
- Recycled
If Recycled, it can be applied to pastures and crops, such as wheat, and other grains where the crop is harvested above ground. Also it can be used for pasture and hay fields. This process has been used since early times by farmers, and land use specialists. This process is regulated by the U. S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and any and all Local county’s.
The advantages to recycling are:
- Diverting a material from landfills and incinerators
- Increasing crop yields
- A cost effective method to fertilize crops
- Adds moisture to the soil and increases the capability of soil to retain water